Online seminar "Revolutions: Replacing animal testing by cellular systems in medicine"

15 Mai 2024
2:00 - 3:30 pm
Digital via Zoom

The number of animal experiments in Germany has been declining for years and more and more alternatives are becoming available. Nevertheless, animal experiments are still unavoidable in many cases and are mandatory in therapy development. After an introductory impulse with an overview of animal experiments in preclinical research and challenges and suggestions for improvement, examples from the development of alternatives will be presented.


Prof. Dr. Kathrin Adlkofer, Cellbox Solutions
Prof. Dr. Charli Kruse, CellTec Systems


Lukas Gaats, Mo:re Science
Dr.-Ing. Lisa Kiesewetter, Fraunhofer-Institut für Silikatforschung ISC
Dr. Bettina Kränzlin, GV-Solas
Ina Krüger, ACARYON GmbH
Dr. Ilka Maschmeyer, TissUse



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