16th Current Topics in Bioinformatics: (Deep) Learning from -OMICS Data?
31.05.2021 · 14:00 - 18:30 Uhr
MDC Campus Mitte (BIMSB) und virtuell
With the increase of OMICS techniques a huge amount of molecular data are generated in modern biomedical research. In combination with medical images and clinical data, the field of omics revolutionized the implementation of personalized medicine. The related biomedical and OMICS datasets are complex and heterogeneous. To get out the relevant and meaningful knowledge from this vast amount of information is one of the most important challenge for bioinformatics and machine learning researchers. This rises the interest and strenghend the potential of deep learning methods to create predictive models and to identify complex patterns from these large datasets.
This year the conference 16th Current Topics of Bioinfomatics deals with deep learning techniques and the significance of OMICS data. We raises the questions what we can learn from OMICS data and how do we handle the huge datasets and what does that mean for future medicine.
We will give speakers and a reduced number of participants (first come – first serve) the opportunity to meet personally on site in Berlin. All others can actively participate online via live stream.
Call for posters
You are a young researcher working in the field of Bioinfomatics? Are you interested in presented your research in a 2 min poster pitch during the conference?
Please download the application form (see below), fill it out, save it and send it to jasmin.podufall@berlin-partner.de.
Further information: www.healthcapital.de/veranstaltungen/termin/16th-current-topics-in-bioinformatics-deep-learning-from-omics-data/