Digital Medicine Connect at BioPharm AmericaTM 2016


Taking place September 15 in Boston at BioPharm America™, Digital Medicine Connect will address the need for evidence-driven validation of digital medicine products, unique business models emerging within the space, regulatory considerations and differing roles of pharma, researchers, tech developers and other stakeholders.

The event will feature a curated group of companies to present their plans to bring transformational new products to market and help reshape healthcare. Delegates will have the opportunity to expand their networks and mobilize new partnerships across the healthcare ecosystem.

Both Digital Medicine Connect and the 9th annual BioPharm America are produced by EBD Group and will take place concurrently, offering opportunities for expanded networking and cross-pollination of ideas across the drug development and digital medicine ecosystems. EBD Group has a proven history of providing valuable partnering opportunities to the life sciences industry.

Registration contacts:

In the US:
Camille Del Carmen
EBD Group
Carlsbad, CA
+1 760 930 0500

In Europe:
Catharine Moreno Finan
EBD Group GmbH
Munich, Germany
T: +49 89 2388 756-25

Sponsorship and program contact:
Katie MacPherson
EBD Group
+1 202 390 3813

