Industrial Biotechnology Forum 2016
14.03.2016 - 15.03.2016
Industrial Biotechnology (“White Biotechnology”) is the technology that uses enzymes or cells for a large-scale production of substances like fine chemicals, food and feed ingredients, agrochemical and pharmaceutical products, industrial additives, and – with increasing importance – bulk chemicals and fuels. Compared to chemical conversions, biotechnological processes require less heat and pressure, and result in economic and environmental benefits. In particular the bioconversion of renewable raw materials is a promising approach towards lowering greenhouse gas emissions and preserving resources.
Scientific challenges in the field of Industrial Biotechnology are tailoring of enzymes and multi-enzyme systems for industrial applications (enzyme engineering) as well as redirection of metabolic fluxes or establishment of new artificial pathways in microorganisms (metabolic engineering) to develop new catalysts for biotechnological processes. Bioprocess engineering provides tools for a promising process design and makes use of the newly developed biocatalysts. With this, bioprocesses can be scaled up from lab- to industrial production scale. Bioseparation engineering is essential to overcome one of the main limitations in Industrial Biotechnology – a cost-efficient purification of bio-products from diluted aqueous solutions.
The Industrial Biotechnology Forum (IBF) 2016 brings together recent developments from all these fields – enzyme engineering, metabolic engineering, bioprocess engineering, and bioseparation engineering. As launching event of a biennial conference, the IBF 2016 intends to initiate an interdisciplinary exchange and productive discussion between the different scientific areas forming the core of Industrial Biotechnology science. The Industrial Biotechnolgy Forum is realized by the Industrielle Biotechnologie Bayern Netzwerk GmbH, Martinsried, with scientific support provided by the TUM-Research Center for Industrial Biotechnology, Garching. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (Springer, Heidelberg) is sponsoring several poster awards. A certificate of accomplishment and book vouchers (200,- €) will be awarded to the best scientific posters selected during the conference. The IBF 2016 will take place on March 14–15, 2016 at the TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering, Garching (near Munich).
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