Our topics are regulatory affairs for medical devices, deep learning and microfluidics.
The Medical Device Regulation (MDR) is announced to come into effect in 2017. This will drastically increase administrative and financial expenditures of medical device manufacturers. Transition periods apply, but immediate action will be necessary for manufacturers, importers, dealers and operators of devices, as well as researchers and developers. The Regulatory Affairs session is organised by Life Science Nord’s Working Group on Regulatory Affairs. Experts will give essential information on the key changes introduced by the MDR. You are invited to engage in interactive panel discussions.
Deep Learning teaches machines to think. By mimicking the neural network structure of the human brain, deep learning promises computers that understand images and voices on an abstraction level so far reserved to humans alone. Applications range from computer games like AlphaGo to human level voice recognition and even automatic medical image analysis for disease diagnosis. Most major tech companies are pursuing deep learning applications today, making it the most hyped technology at present. The Deep Learning session is organised by Fraunhofer MEVIS, an institution that develops real-world software solutions for image-supported early disease detection, diagnosis, and therapy. Experts will share their experiences and expectations with researchers, developers and industry.
The flow of liquids inside and outside the human body plays a key role in medical technology. Safety and reliability of many medical devices and their components, e.g. dialysis machines, infusion pumps, or liquid-handling systems for in-vitro-diagnostics, require safe and reliable dosing of liquids.
Experts from academia and industry will discuss their current projects at LSA2017. Research and industrial presentations will be accompanied by an exhibition. The session is jointly organised by the
Medical Sensors and Devices Lab (Lübeck University of Applied Sciences) and VDMA Micro Technologies (Mechanical Engineering Industry Association).
A common introductory session, key notes, posters, and a table-top industry exhibition will complete LSA2017.
You are most cordially invited!