Meet-the-Member: Springer Nature to partner with BIO Deutschland to support research at your organization
17.11.2022 · 15:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Due to technical issues we need to reschedule this webinar to November 17, 3 pm. Apologies for the invconvenience.
The exchange of ideas among our members is one of the central tasks of our association's work. We are frequently asked to offer a non-binding, digital and regular exchange format. To this end, we are now launching a pilot series in autumn. Each of the 60-minute webinars will start with a ten-minute impulse and then offer the opportunity to enter into a detailed exchange with the expert giving the presentation or to hold general discussions and make contacts in one of the other small groups.
This is the current link to participate:
The current webinar is presented by

Springer Nature is a global publisher dedicated to providing the best possible service to the whole research community. Helping authors to share their discoveries; enable researchers to find, access and understand the work of others and support librarians and institutions with innovations in technology and data. Springer Nature is excited to be part of BIO Deutschland. Springer Nature is celebrating the partnership by offering BIO Deutschland members introductory rates to some of our most exciting products. Members will receive a discount of between 25% and 50% on Springer Nature subscriptions. Springer Nature uses their position and influence to champion the issues that matter to the research community – standing up for science, taking a leading role in open research and being powerful advocates for the highest quality and ethical standards in research.