Mai 2020

20 Apr

20.04.2020 - 06.05.2020

COVID-19 Virtual Partnering event

To support the fight against COVID-19 and accelerate global collaboration, Lyonbiopole, Evaluate Ltd. and Inova are organizing a free Virtual Partnering Event for organizations with solutions for COVID-19 testing, treatment and prevention.



18.05.2020 - 20.05.2020

Digital business development – Partnering for life scineces

Biotechgate has launched a free digital partnering event for its partner members and cluster organizations (over 30 around the global - representing over 8‘000 companies).


26 Mai

26.05.2020 · 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr

Forum Biotech & Biopharma – now as Live Webinars!

The wellknown Forum Biotech is now available as Online Webinars. Choose from different key topics and discover news on.

The webinars offer powerful short presentations and Q&A sessions on entire work streams addressing future and current needs with the lab.



27.05.2020 - 28.05.2020

Deutsche Biotechnologietage 2020


Die Deutschen Biotechnologietage 2020 finden am 27. und 28. Mai in Wiesbaden statt und werden in gemeinsamer Verantwortung von BIO Deutschland und dem Arbeitskreis der BioRegionen durchgeführt. Hessen Trade & Invest ist gastgebende Bioregion.

28 Mai


3rd Joint Network Conference and Poster Session


The Heart-on-a-Chip network (TFF-ResOOC) and the International Network for Lab-on-a Chip technologies are hosting their 3rd Joint Network Conference and Poster Session as a virtual event on May 28th, 2020.


28 Mai

28.05.2020 · 15:00 - 16:30 Uhr

Forum Biotech & Biopharma – now as Live Webinars!

The wellknown Forum Biotech is now available as Online Webinars. Choose from different key topics and discover news on.

The webinars offer powerful short presentations and Q&A sessions on entire work streams addressing future and current needs with the lab.
