Diagnostics-4-Future Conference
he BioLAGO coordinated competence network for diagnostics „DiagNET“ will bring together diagnostics users and providers for a one-day international conference in the 4-country region around Lake Constance. Leading experts from industry, science and medicine present and discuss the dominant industry topics: multidrug-resistant pathogens, therapy monitoring and lifestyle & diagnostics.
The main topics of the programme are as well the topics of the working groups (projects) of the multinational „DiagNET„, one of three competence networks for diagnostics in Germany.
Characteristics, special features and goals of the conference:
- Expertise: Initiator and organizer is the international competence network “DiagNET”, where companies, research institutions and clinics involve new diagnostic methods. DiagNET is one of three diagnostic-competence-networks in Germany and the only cross-border network.
- Practical orientation: The discussed matters are highly user-orientated (physicians, clinics, laboratories). Compatibility with user processes (clinical routine) is a key factor.
- Patient-orientated solutions: We address especially patient-oriented solutions (Point-Of-Care-Testing) regarding health-care in rural areas, like the Lake Constance area.
- Openness: The conference aims to connect partners from Europe with the four-country region around Lake Constance (Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein).
- Multiresistant Pathogens
- Therapy Monitoring
- Lifestyle & Diagnostics
Intended audience:
Companies, laboratories, clinics and hospitals, science / universities and health insurance companies and health economists. 100-200 participants from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein and other European countries are expected.
Further information: www.biolago.org/event/1-diagnostics-4-future-conference/