Networking For Health IV. We LOVE BioTechs & TechBios. Berlin meets NRW - Startup Slam!
2023-06-20 · 18:00

We want to meet, know what is new, facilitate connections between organizations working in Biotech (e.g., Pharmaceutical R&D) and TechBio (e.g., AI for drug development). If you work in healthcare, be it as Researcher, Startup, VC, Entrepreneur, Digital, Developer, we want to network with you!
Join our 4th networking For Health edition – a networking and startup slam with pizza & beer. This time the event is co-organized by Bayer CID (Pharma Commercial IT & Digital), Bayer BD&L (Business Development & Licensing), Berlin Partner, Campus Berlin-Buch, University of Duisburg-Essen, Bryck.
Bayer BD&L is very interested in connecting with Cell and Gene Therapy, Oncology, Cardiovascular or Immunology Startups. Bayer CID wants to hear everything about disruptive digital innovations in healthcare. Berlin Partner is looking to inform about activities in Berlin and what opportunities there are for NRW Startups.
Come and pitch your innovation! We will have around 10 start-up pitches or more. Let us know if you want to pitch (5 Minutes) until Monday 01.06., first in, first served. We will communicate asap if you get a spot. Please send your slides to Jesus del Valle ( or Heike Hanspach ( until Monday 19.06.
The event is F2F in parallel in Berlin (Bayer Pharma Headquarters, and Essen (Bryck Tower,
We will pitch-battle in Berlin and NRW and stream it for both audiences only.
Please register to participate live on:
Agenda: (All times in CET)
18:00 / Open Doors & Stream
18:30 – 19:30 / Pitching
19:30 – Open End / Networking
Christina Quensel, Campus Berlin-Buch
Hannes Rothe, University of Duisburg-Essen
Kai-Uwe Bindseil, Berlin Partner
Tanja Bloser, Bayer AG Pharmaceuticals Division
+ we hope many of you !!!!!
Tanja Bloser, Bayer BD&L EMEA Innovation & Ecosystem Activation Manager
Prof. Hannes Rothe, University of Duisburg-Essen
Help us to spread the word by sharing the event and bring your POAP app and get ready for some POAP / NFTs drops!