April 2008

Analytica 2008: BIO Deutschland Represented in Various Forums

BIO Deutschland’s Working Group on Human Resources took part in the Jobvector Career Day during this year’s Analytica trade fair from 1 – 4 April in Munich...


Second Board Meeting of 2008 Held in Stuttgart

On 25 April, the BIO Deutschland board met for the second time this year. The agenda of the meeting that was held in Stuttgart was as follows: ...


BIO Deutschland Meets Representatives of the CDU/CSU Members of Parliament

In cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, BIO Deutschland organised a meeting between biotech companies, representatives of the CDU/CSU members of parliament and staff from ministries, scientific institutes and other lobby groups...


Second Successful CFO Biotechnology Summit Meeting in Frankfurt

The German Stock Exchange in Frankfurt hosted the second nationwide summit meeting of biotechnology finance experts in the middle of April...


Board of BIO Deutschland Attends Brussels Day

The BIO Deutschland board members, Rainer Wessel (CEO of GANYMED Pharmaceuticals AG, Mainz) and Jan Schmidt-Brand (CEO and CFO of Heidelberg Pharma AG) represented the sector’s concerns in meetings with European Parliament members at Brussels Day at EuropaBio on 1 and 2 April...


International activities: business delegation trip to ILSI-Biomed in Israel

ILSI-Biomed 2008, an international conference and exhibition on the fields of biopharmaceuticals and medical technology, will take place in Tel Aviv from 27 to 29 May.
