May 2008

Position Paper on Industrial Biotechnology is Completed

The German Platform for White Biotechnology, to which BIO Deutschland belongs, completed a position paper on industrial biotechnology at the end of May...


German Pavilion at Biotech China: Contact Platform for the Biotech Market of the Future

Biotech China was held from 28 to 30 May in the Shanghai International Exhibition Centre (INTEX) and provided a communication platform for biotechnology in Asia for the second time...


BIO Deutschland Criticises Tougher Regulations for Taxation on Investments

In the middle of May, BIO Deutschland asked the German Federal Minister of Finance, Peer Steinbrück, to make a statement on the planned measures to tighten Paragraph 8 of the Corporation Tax Law. Peter Heinrich, President of the Board of BIO Deutschland, said: ...


Meeting of the Working Group on Finance and Taxation at BioEquity in Amsterdam

In the run-up to BioEquity in Amsterdam, the EBD Group invited members to the thirteenth meeting of the Working Group on Finance and Taxation. The following topics were discussed: ...


200th Member of BIO Deutschland: Glycotope GmbH from Berlin

In the past few weeks, two more companies became members of BIO Deutschland: ...


Participation in the German Remuneration Survey and an Overview of MBAs

Nine years ago, some biotechnology companies started a study on remuneration (the German Remuneration Survey) on their own initiative. ...


BIO Deutschland Holds its Third Parliamentary Evening in Berlin

At the beginning of May, BIO Deutschland held its third information evening in Berlin on the topics of biotechnology and genetic engineering...


Demand Met: The Main Translation Costs for EU Patents Are Dropped

Two years ago, experts from BIO Deutschland’s Working Group on Intellectual Property and Technical Contracts submitted a statement for consultation by the European Commission to Erik Nooteboom, Head of the EU Unit on Industrial Property at the Internal Market Directorate-General...


International activities: delegation visit to China

On behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology has been trying to set up a meeting on biotechnology and medical technology between a German and a Chinese delegation for several months.
