May 2009
Interdisciplinary Conference on the Promotion of Technology Transfer in Biotechnology
Technology transfer within the value-added chain in the biotechnology sector was the topic of an interdisciplinary conference initiated by BIO Deutschland and held in Heidelberg at the end of April...
BIO Deutschland’s Fourth Parliamentary Evening
At the beginning of May, BIO Deutschland held a political information evening in Berlin on the topics of biotechnology and genetic engineering...
Statement by BIO Deutschland on the Amendment to Patent Law
In the run-up to the decision on new patent legislation (the Patent Modernisation Bill) by the Bundestag (Lower Chamber in the German Federal Parliament), BIO Deutschland urged that licence contracts be guaranteed in the case of a company’s insolvency as part of the new law...
Presentation of the survey of companies by Ernst & Young and
For the first time, Ernst & Young (E&Y) included BIO Deutschland participation when presenting its report to the press...
Critical Evaluation by BIO Deutschland to the Forthcoming Amendments to the Drug Law
On the occasion of the hearing in the Bundestag (Lower Chamber in the German Federal Parliament) on amendments to the Drug Law (15th Amendments) at the beginning of May, BIO Deutschland demanded that the path to the development of innovative drugs by small and medium-sized companies not be blocked...