December 2010

Statement by BIO Deutschland on the “Broccoli Patent”: Clarification Provides Planning Certainty

In the middle of December, BIO Deutschland issued a statement on the decision by the Enlarged Board of Appeals of the European Patent Organisation (EPO) on the pending hearings on broccoli and tomatoes (G2/07 and G1/08).


BIO Deutschland’s Working Group on Human Resources Meets in Munich

Experts from BIO Deutschland’s Working Group on Human Resources met in Munich in mid-December. Among other things, they decided that the working group would take part in ScieCon 2011 (a career fair for life sciences students and PHD students) at the beginning of February in Munich.


Meeting of BIO Deutschland’s Working Group on Technology Transfer in Berlin

Planning the contents of a workshop during the German Biotechnology Days 2011 (25 and 26 May in Munich) was the main topic of the meeting of BIO Deutschland’s Working Group on Technology Transfer, which was held in Berlin on 15 December.
