July 2013
EuropaBio Board Meeting and Annual General Assembly Held in Brussels on 26 June
EuropaBio’s second board meeting and its annual general assembly took place in Brussels on 26 June 2013. Peter Heinrich attended these meetings in his capacity as a member of the board of BIO Deutschland and as a representative of the association.
The Working Group on Technology Transfer Holds a Successful Symposium in Munich
On 17 June 2013, around 100 people attended a symposium at the European Patent Office in Munich to discuss the barriers to successful technology transfer between academia, the biotechnology sector and the pharmaceutical sector.
The Working Group on Licences and Technical Contracts Discusses the Myriad Ruling and the Grace Period
In the light of current events, the Working Group on Licences and Technical Contracts held a conference call on 21 June 2013 in order to discuss the US Supreme Court’s ruling on the Myriad case, as well as the grace period.
Regulatory Experts Meet in Berlin
The experts from the Working Group on Regulatory Matters met in Berlin on 11 June 2013 to discuss clinical trial investigators’ contracts, the state of play as regards the implementation of the Clinical Trials Regulation, the requirements of medicinal products for innovative therapies, companion diagnostics and orphan drugs.
Meeting of the Working Group on Health Policy in Munich
On 10 June 2013, the members of the Working Group on Health Policy met in Munich to discuss the current amendment to the Medicinal Products Act, the state of play on the Act on the Reform of the Market for Medicinal Products, and the efforts towards greater transparency that are currently being made by the licensing authorities.
2013 BIO Deutschland Yearbook
The preparations for the 2013 BIO Deutschland Yearbook are in full swing. Please take advantage of this opportunity to present your company or organisation in the next issue of our yearbook.
BIO Deutschland and the DBU Showcase Entrepreneurship at BIOTECHNICA 2013
At BIOTECHNICA 2013, which will take place from 8 to 10 October, BIO Deutschland and the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) will show how the key objectives of sustainable pharmaceutics – effective medicinal products combined with resource-saving practices, efficient manufacturing and low-emission applications – can be achieved by using biotechnological methods.