October 2015
Biotechnology sector association elects a new board
The sector association of the biotechnology industry, BIO Deutschland, elected a new board for the next two years yesterday during its twelfth ordinary general assembly, which was held ahead of the leading biotech trade fair, BIOTECHNICA.
Third Meeting of the Federal Government’s Pharma Dialogue
The third meeting of the Federal Government’s Pharma Dialogue took place on 8 October 2015. For the meeting, the five associations involved – BAH, BIO Deutschland, BPI, Pro Generika and vfa – had submitted two jointly prepared position papers to the Federal Government.
BIOTECHNICA 2015 Goes Digital
BIOTECHNICA took place in Hanover from 6 to 8 October in combination with the laboratory exhibition LABVOLUTION. The two trade fairs’ contents and concept were tailored to the mega trends of digitisation and biologisation in the run-up to the event. BIO Deutschland, which has had a Working Group on Bio IT and Big Data for just over a year, organised a one-and-a-half day event on bio IT and big data for one of the trade fair forums.
BIO Deutschland Supports the Successful Science Slam at BIOTECHNICA
More than 400 people attended the science slam at BIOTECHNICA. This year’s event, which was supported by BIO Deutschland, Eppendorf, Jobvector and GIT laboratory journal, took place on 8 October on the stage at Jobvector’s stand.
Press-Workshop on Hot Topics in Biotechnology
In order to celebrate the European Biotech Week BIO Deutschland, the German national biotechnology organisation, hosted a press workshop on hot topics in biotechnology October 14 in Berlin.
Third Successful European Biotech Week
The third European Biotech Week, which took place across Europe from 12 to 18 October, was a great success. More than 100 events and activities were held in 15 participating European countries, and were attended by thousands of people.