October 2019

Ministerial meeting held on the Industrial Bioeconomy Dialogue Platform

Economics Minister Peter Altmaier and Research Minister Anja Karliczek attended the meeting. Also present from the two ministries were Director-Generals Winfried Horstmann (BMWi) and Volker Rieke (BMBF), the relevant Heads of Division and their staff, as well as industry representatives.


Press conference and open letter by 23 associations on the ECJ’s ruling on new breeding techniques

A press conference was held in Berlin on 23 October at the Federal Press Conference to publish an open letter, signed by BIO Deutschland and 22 other associations, expressing their concerns about the ECJ’s ruling on new breeding techniques.


Successful biotech and pharma partnering in Heidelberg

The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) hosted this year’s successful 13th edition of the European Business Development Conference (EBDC), which is organized annually by BIO Deutschland.


BIO Deutschland participates in the EFIB

BIO Deutschland took part in the European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy (EFIB) in Brussels on 1–2 October. The association, together with Christine Lang (Co-Chair of the former Bioeconomy Council) and Janin Sameith (Hessen Trade & Invest), gave the closing remarks.


Chinese delegation visits Berlin

On 30 September, a delegation led by China Universal Asset Management visited the German capital. BIO Deutschland has a long track record of engagement in German-Chinese cooperation.


BIO Deutschland welcomes US delegation

More than 20 representatives from government and business visited BIO Deutschland’s headquarters on 14 October. Michael Kahnert and Claudia Englbrecht received the delegation and introduced them to the German biotech sector and the domestic policy environment.


Funding programmes, competitions and awards

Funding programmes for our members
