January 2020
BIO Deutschland statement on adoption of the National Bioeconomy Strategy
The Federal Cabinet has adopted the new National Bioeconomy Strategy, which was jointly presented by Federal Ministers Anja Karliczek and Julia Klöckner in Berlin on 15 January. The aim of the strategy, which is underpinned by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, is to drive forward the bio- and knowledge-based economy in Germany. BIO Deutschland welcomes that the new National Bioeconomy Strategy has been launched and adopted by consensus of all the ministries involved.
ISO/TC Biotechnology convenes in Toronto, Canada
The work of the international standards committee for biotechnology has picked up pace. The experts gathered in Toronto in early December 2019 to discuss the progress of the various projects that the committee’s five working groups are working on. BIO Deutschland is represented on the committee by Michael Kahnert.