April 2020
BIO Deutschland and EY publish key figures of the biotechnology sector in 2019
In 2019, the biotechnology sector in Germany has developed much more dynamically than in previous years.
Directory: German biotechnology companies in the fight against Sars-CoV-2/COVID-19
Biotechnology companies are at the forefront of the fight against the spread of the coronavirus and the lung disease Covid-19. They are producing diagnostic tests at full tilt while also developing new tests, and they are conducting research on therapeutics and vaccine candidates.
Save the Date: e-Vent „German Corona Showcase“
From 23 to 25 June, BIO Deutschland is organising the first e-Vent "German Corona Showcase". The virtual event combines lectures with the possibility of one-on-one partnering.
BIO Deutschland publishes model for the orientation and goals of technology transfer in Germany
BIO Deutschland published a mission statement on the orientation and goals of technology transfer in Germany.
Initiative of associations positions itself on the planned First Act to Amend the Foreign Trade and Payments Act
The Federal Association of German Capital Investment Companies (BVK), together with BIO Deutschland, DIE FAMILIENUNTERNEHMER and the Federal Association of German Start-ups, has launched an initiative for the planned First Act to amend the Foreign Trade and Payments Act.