November 2020
Guest participant at DIHK Healthcare Industry Committee
BIO Deutschland was a guest at the November meeting of the Healthcare Industry Committee of the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK), giving a talk that provided insights into the role of biotechnology in the industrial healthcare sector.
Response to open letter on funding for Covid-19 therapy research
In an open letter in late September to the Federal Minister of Research as well as to the Federal Ministers of Health and Economic Affairs, BIO Deutschland called on funding not only for vaccine research, but also for the later stages of clinical development for promising drugs against Covid-19 to be initiated quickly.
Open letter to the participants of the Federal Delegates Conference of Alliance 90/The Greens
In an open letter, BIO Deutschland and 16 other associations have called on the participants of the Federal Delegates Conference of Alliance 90/The Greens to assess the opportunities and risks of new plant breeding techniques on a scientific basis, especially in view of the progressing climate change.
WG 3 “Demonstration Plants and Technology” of the Industrial Bioeconomy Dialogue Platform holds virtual meeting
The Working Group on Demonstration Plants and Technology (WG 3) of the Federal Economics Ministry’s Industrial Bioeconomy Dialogue Platform, which is chaired by BIO Deutschland, recently exchanged information and ideas in a web conference.
International standards experts for biotechnology convene online
In mid-November, the standards experts on the Terminology Working Group of the ISO Technical Committee 276 Biotechnology (ISO/TC 276) discussed the status of group’s current projects as well as new topics and projects for further harmonisation activities in 2021.