April 2008

Analytica 2008: BIO Deutschland Represented in Various Forums

BIO Deutschland’s Working Group on Human Resources took part in the Jobvector Career Day during this year’s Analytica trade fair from 1 – 4 April in Munich. Bettina Kipp, Director and Head of Business Development at Immatics, gave a presentation on the topic of "Strategic Personnel Work in Small and Large Biotech Companies". BIO Deutschland members who are interested in Ms Kipp’s comments are welcome to request a copy of her presentation from the BIO Deutschland office by calling 030-2648 4087 or sending an e-mail to info@biodeutschland.org.

Peter Heinrich, President of the Board of BIO Deutschland and CEO of MediGene AG, took part in the Finance Day in the Innovations & Technology Forum, which was held for the first time as part of the Analytica. The title of his presentation was "Possible Finance and Business Development Strategies for Sustainable Capital Endowment in Biotech Companies".

Viola Bronsema, Managing Director of BIO Deutschland, gave a presentation on the topic of "Biotechnology SMEs – the Motor for Innovations and Job Creation" at the Business and Markets forum.

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