February 2013

Annual Assembly of the GTAI’s Health Made in Germany Export Initiative

files/tlf_content/nachrichten/2013/Health_made_in_Germany.jpgOn 22 January 2013, representatives of BIO Deutschland attended the annual assembly of the Health Made in Germany export initiative set up by Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI). The meeting took place at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in Berlin. BIO Deutschland is a member of the export initiative’s Medical Biotechnology Working Group. To date, this working group has produced two successful publications, the “German Manufacturing Guide” and the “Guide to Contract Research in Germany”. It is currently planning a third publication, which will present companies working at the interface between red and white biotechnology to an international audience. Representatives of the three other working groups, which deal with pharma, medical technology and telemedicine, also attended the annual assembly. The participants also voted in favour of strengthening collaboration between the working groups, particularly as regards activities in Russia and India.

For further information, please see www.exportinitiative-gesundheitswirtschaft.de/EIG/Navigation/EN/root.html.

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