November 2016
Association unveils new intranet for members and refreshed website
BIO Deutschland took the occasion of the general assembly to present its completely redesigned website and a newly created intranet for members. Along with rolling out a refreshed layout for the wealth of information on the site, some of the content was restructured and moved to new sections. The home page now provides access to the latest association and member news as well as the news feeds of our partners and tweets from BIO Deutschland’s Twitter account, @BIODeutschland, whose number of followers increased by 50 percent last year. What is entirely new is the internal site for BIO Deutschland’s members. It contains documents from the association’s 13 working groups, plus a blog that reports on the association’s activities and new developments in relevant topic areas. “Our new internet presence brings together the broad and diverse information on our website in a new layout and provides a quick overview of the news from the association and members,” said Viola Bronsema, Managing Director of BIO Deutschland. “Offering a section exclusively for members also gives us more opportunities to deliver targeted communications,” added Bronsema, “while enabling members to easily access a vast array of internal information and resources.”