December 2006
BIO Deutschland Attends CEO & Investor Conference in New York
The Ninth CEO & Investor Conference, which was organised by BIO in the USA as in previous years, aims to provide a forum for CEOs and managing directors of biotech companies to meet (potential) investors. According to figures provided by BIO, around 2000 people registered and some 200 companies gave presentations about their work.
The aim of the conference is to offer participants excellent networking and contact opportunities.
The more than 60 company presentations on each day of the conference – some of which took place at the same time – are given exclusively by CEOs, company presidents or managing directors. Of these firms, only 25 percent are not listed on the Stock Exchange. All the German companies that gave a presentation are members of BIO Deutschland: Evotec, GPC, Heidelberg Pharma, Jerini, MediGene and Noxxon Pharma. There were also presentations by the US companies, Alnylam, Micromet and Emergent BioSolutions, whose German branches are members of BIO Deutschland.