September 2017

BIO Deutschland holds its 14th general assembly and elects new board

Photo: Discussion of the various parties’ election and legislative programmes,  Dr. Sandra Schumann, Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey, Dr. Hinrich Habeck, Dr. Martin Pöhlchen, Dr. Julia Schüler, Dr. Claus Kremoser, Moderation Dr. Viola Bronsema © S. Z. Kurc
Photo: Discussion of the various parties’ election and legislative programmes, Dr. Sandra Schumann, Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey, Dr. Hinrich Habeck, Dr. Martin Pöhlchen, Dr. Julia Schüler, Dr. Claus Kremoser, Moderation Dr. Viola Bronsema © S. Z. Kurc

Berlin (19 September 2017) – The sector association of the biotechnology industry, BIO Deutschland, elected a new board for the next two years yesterday during its 14th ordinary general assembly.

The ten members of BIO Deutschland’s board represent various segments of innovative small and medium-sized biotechnology enterprises as well as the pharmaceutical industry. The following members were re-elected:

  • Dr Peter Heinrich, Managing Director of Sinfonie Life Science Management GmbH, Planegg
  • Norbert Hentschel, Chief Financial Officer of Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, Bergisch-Gladbach
  • Dr Claus Kremoser, Chief Executive Officer/Management Board Member of Phenex Pharmaceuticals AG, Ludwigshafen
  • Roland Sackers, Chief Financial Officer und Managing Director of QIAGEN N.V., Hilden
  • Oliver Schacht, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of Curetis N. V., Holzgerlingen
  • Dr Jan Schmidt-Brand, Managing Director of Heidelberg Pharma Research GmbH, Ladenburg, Chief Financial Officer of WILEX AG, Munich
  • Dr Sylvia Wojczewski, Managing Director of BioSpring GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
  • Dr Holger Zimmermann, Chief Executive Officer of AiCuris Anti-infective Cures GmbH, Wuppertal

The following members were newly elected to the board:

  • Dr med. Peter-Andreas Löschmann, Senior Medical Director Germany/Managing Director of Pfizer Pharma GmbH, Berlin
  • Dr Klaus Maleck, Chief Executive Officer of TETEC AG, Reutlingen

The new board unanimously confirmed the appointment of Peter Heinrich as its chairman directly after the general meeting. Oliver Schacht was re-appointed as treasurer.

“Thanks to our continuous efforts over the past two years, we have been able to achieve many of our goals. The loss carry-forward rules for corporate taxation have been updated to meet the requirements of innovative business models, and the financing environment for research-intensive biotech companies has been improved. Legislators have backed away from introducing a turnover ceiling for innovative drugs,” Peter Heinrich said during the general assembly. “We can chalk up the CDU’s plans to include a biotech agenda in its legislative programme as a major success. We will devote our full energies to advocating for the development and implementation of this agenda and continue to stress the important role of biotechnology as a key technology, with the aim of tapping the immense potential of biotechnology in the healthcare, energy and environmental sectors,” Heinrich continued.

During the general assembly, BIO Deutschland’s management presented a comprehensive report on its activities. Representatives of the association’s 13 working groups discussed the contents of the various parties’ election and legislative programmes with regard to the association’s positions, and also informed members about the working groups’ activities.

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