October 2019
BIO Deutschland participates in the EFIB

BIO Deutschland took part in the European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy (EFIB) in Brussels on 1–2 October. The association, together with Christine Lang (Co-Chair of the former Bioeconomy Council) and Janin Sameith (Hessen Trade & Invest), gave the closing remarks. The event focused mainly on providing information on how biotechnology is being used in the textile and food industries. Jürgen Eck from BRAIN AG held a talk on the utilization of bacterial strains that can fix CO2 and convert it into acetate, in order to produce oils and fats and to biologically process flue gas emitted from steel production facilities. He also stressed that the government needs to support the development of pilot plants. Next year’s conference will take place in Frankfurt am Main on 5–6 October. For more information, visit efibforum.com.