Bioeconomy Council hands over working paper

In early February the Bioeconomy Council published its first working paper. The Central Office of the Council released the following message about the paper: “The 6th meeting of the Bioeconomy Council (BÖR) took place in Berlin on 7 and 8 February 2022. During this meeting, the Bioeconomy Council handed over its first working paper to State Secretaries Dr Manuela Rottmann (BMEL) and Judith Pirscher (BMBF).” The working paper sets the framework for the BÖR’s work, defines the first fields of action and orientation points, and identifies the first concrete issues that need to be tackled, such as reducing innovation barriers and developing and establishing diversified land use systems and raw material competition, the press release says. The working paper and an executive summary (both in German) can be downloaded at the following links: