March 2009
British-German Workshop on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
At the invitation of the British Embassy Berlin, a German-British workshop on regenerative medicine co-organised by BIO Deutschland was held at the beginning of March.
On 3 March, around eighty participants from the United Kingdom and Germany discussed current trends in stem cell research, approaches to clinical testing of innovative cell therapies, shared developments in tissue engineering and biomaterials, and support for the sector.
The aim of the workshop was to present the latest scientific developments in the area of regenerative medicine in Germany and the United Kingdom and to give the participants from research and industry the opportunity to discuss them. The focus was on the presentation of methods of support for the sector in both countries, which should make closer scientific cooperation possible.
The workshop papers will be published in the near future. If you are interested in receiving a copy, please get in touch with BIO Deutschland (Tel: +49-30-3450593-30, E-mail: