April 2020
Directory: German biotechnology companies in the fight against Sars-CoV-2/COVID-19
Biotechnology companies are at the forefront of the fight against the spread of the coronavirus and the lung disease Covid-19. They are producing diagnostic tests at full tilt while also developing new tests, and they are conducting research on therapeutics and vaccine candidates. In a recent survey, some 50 members of the biotechnology industry association BIO Deutschland said that they are engaged in combating the corona pandemic through their work in the fields of diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines, as well as through the production of disinfectants.
The company lists and further information for companies about Corona can be found here www.biodeutschland.org/en/corona-special.html
In cooperation with the German Pharmaceutical Associations vfa and the Austrian Pharmaceutical Association Pharmig, BIO Deutschland offers an interactive site map that shows member companies that conduct research on therapies and vaccines.
You can find the interactive map here: www.biodeutschland.org/de/standortkarte-fuer-therapie-und-impfstoffe.html