Funding programmes, competitions and awards

Funding of R&D projects with a focus on German-Polish Sustainability Research (II)

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has announced guidelines for the funding of research and development projects that focus on German-Polish Sustainability Research (II). Germany’s BMBF and Poland’s National Centre for Research and Development plan to continue their research dialogue and to intensify their support for bilateral R&D projects in the area of sustainability.

Research projects should target one or more of the following areas:

  • Energy efficiency and climate protection
  • Raw material efficiency
  • Sustainable water management
  • Social-ecological research

More information can be found at:



Funding of a competition for establishing scientific and business contacts between German and Colombian innovation clusters

As part of the Federal Government’s strategy to internationalise science and research guidelines, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has announced guidelines for the funding of a competition for establishing scientific and business contacts between German and Colombian innovation clusters.

For the purpose of strengthening existing contacts, BMBF funding can be used to support measures that involve preparing a joint cooperation strategy (e.g. common goals, common work concept, identification of action areas, preparation of projects).

Projects will be prioritised for funding in the following areas:

  • Metalworking/Mechanical engineering
  • Agriculture/Food
  • Biotechnology/Healthcare
  • Renewable energies

More information can be found at: and


Fostering scientific and technological cooperation (STC) with Mexico

As part of the Federal Government’s strategy to internationalise science and research guidelines, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has announced guidelines for the funding of scientific and technological cooperation (STC) with Mexico.

The funding focuses on the exchange of personnel, the coordination of bilateral cooperation and the organisation of events. The planned measures should support research projects that are financed through other sources. They should pursue the following aims:

  • Exchange of researchers and scientists with the partner country Mexico with the goal of promoting research, consulting and the transfer of experience within joint R&D projects
  • Information sharing between the partners
  • Preparation of follow-up activities (e.g. application for BMBF specialist programmes, Horizon 2020)
  • Promotion of young scientists
  • Capacity development of the scientific partners in Mexico
  • International networking in the following focal areas:
    • Health research
    • Bio-economy

More information can be found at:



Fostering cooperation in the areas of environmental and life sciences and food safety and security as part of the European-Southeast Asia Network SEA-EU-NET

As part of the Federal Government’s strategy to internationalise science and research guidelines, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has announced guidelines for the funding of cooperation in the areas of environmental and life sciences and food safety and security as part of the European-Southeast Asia Network SEA-EU-NET.

The thematic priorities of the support measures are environmental sciences, life sciences and nutritional sciences, with the following focal points:

  1. Environmental sciences, particularly climate change, water resource management, smarter cities, biodiversity and energy
  2. Life sciences, particularly (neglected) infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistances
  3. Nutritional sciences, particularly agricultural productivity, sustainability and standards, and supply chains

More information can be found at:


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