March 2016
Funding programmes, competitions and awards
Guidelines for the funding of scientific and research cooperation between Europe and Japan on food crops and biomass production technologies
As part of the European Interest Group CONCERT-Japan, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has announced guidelines for the funding of scientific and research cooperation between Europe and Japan on food crops and biomass production technologies. Strengthening scientific cooperation with Japan is a major component of the international science policy of many European countries. After the conclusion of the EU project CONCERT-Japan, the European Interest Group CONCERT-Japan was founded as a forum for promoting greater scientific cooperation between EU countries and Japan. It will leverage the experiences and learnings gained from past EU projects as well as the networks developed in these past projects. The funding focuses on the exchange of personnel, the coordination of bilateral cooperation and the organisation of small scientific events. The activities planned should support research projects and international networking initiatives that are financed by other sources.
More information can be found at:
Guidelines for the funding of scientific and technological cooperation (STC) with India
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has announced guidelines for the funding of scientific and technological cooperation (STC) with India.
Both India and Germany are tasked with the challenge of meeting the demands of its citizenry for food and renewable raw materials (for energetic and material utilisation) in the face of significant changes to economic, demographic and ecological conditions. New technologies that need to be developed must therefore be oriented on a natural material cycle and a bio-based economy. As part of its “National Research Strategy, BioEconomy 2030”, the BMBF identified several fields of action, including the development of biomass-based energy carriers and the industrial application of renewable resources. Measures in these fields are to take into consideration the entire value creation chain, from plant production all the way to energetic utilisation.
More information can be found at:
Guidelines for the funding of “Partnerships for sustainable solutions in developing countries – Research for development”
As part of the Federal Government’s strategy to internationalise science and research, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has announced guidelines for the funding of “Partnerships for sustainable solutions in developing countries – Research for development – Pilot measures for partnerships in science, research and education with developing countries in the Asian-Pacific region”.
In the context of its strategy to internationalise science and research, the Federal Government seeks to accept responsibility internationally and face global challenges. A major component of this strategy is continually strengthening collaboration with developing countries, here specifically in the Asian-Pacific region.
More information can be found at: