April 2016

Funding programmes, competitions and awards

EuropaBio`s Most Innovative European SME Award 2016

Not all innovative businesses begin in a garage. They are often biotech SMEs, starting small but thinking big, and EuropaBio wishes to recognize and reward the most innovative among them.

While some of today’s most successful business giants may have started from luminaries experimenting in humble settings, over the years highly innovative small and medium sized enterprises in Europe have developed novel ways of meeting our societal, technical, and environmental problems through the application of biotechnology. EuropaBio, the European Association for Bioindustries, invites such SMEs to apply for the 7th edition of its Most Innovative European Biotech SME Award – a unique annual initiative recognising biotech innovation and its contribution to society in Europe.

Further information http://biotechsmeawards.eu



IMI 2 - Call 9

On 27 April 2016 IMI launched its 9th Call for proposals under IMI 2.

Call topics

  • Addressing the clinical burden of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI): Evaluation of the burden, current practices and set-up of a European research platform (part of the IMI New Drugs for Bad Bugs (ND4BB) programme)
  • Development of immune tolerance therapies for the treatment of rheumatic diseases
  • Data quality in preclinical research and development
  • Next generation of electronic translational safety
  • Identification and validation of biomarkers for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and across the spectrum of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
  • Joint influenza vaccine effectiveness studies

Further information can be found on www.imi.europa.eu/tlf_content/stage-1-19




Funding announcements of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF):

Announcement within the framework of the Federal Government’s strategy for the internationalisation of science and research – regulations governing the funding of scientific and technological cooperation (STC) with Ukraine – published in the Federal Gazette on 15 April 2016 https://www.bmbf.de/foerderungen/bekanntmachung-1176.html

Announcement within the framework of the Federal Government’s strategy for the internationalisation of science and research – regulations governing the funding of networking and exploratory trips of German universities and research institutions (“travelling conferences”) for the purpose of developing cooperation with partners in China, South Korea and Southeast Asia – published in the Federal Gazette on 12 April 2016 https://www.bmbf.de/foerderungen/bekanntmachung-1169.html

Regulations governing the funding of measures fostering the interdisciplinary linking of the social and economic sciences and the humanities with the natural sciences and engineering for the preparation of joint EU project applications targeting the societal challenge “Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials” of Horizon 2020, the EU framework programme for research and innovation – published in the Federal Gazette on 13 April 2016 https://www.bmbf.de/foerderungen/bekanntmachung-1174.html

Revision of the regulations governing the funding of the ideas competition “New Products for the Bioeconomy” – published in the Federal Gazette on 18 April 2016 https://www.bmbf.de/foerderungen/bekanntmachung-1178.html

Announcement of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the framework of the Federal Government’s strategy for the internationalisation of science and research – regulations governing the funding of scientific and technological cooperation (STC) with New Zealand – 14 April 2016 https://www.bmbf.de/foerderungen/bekanntmachung-1184.html

Announcement of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the framework of the Federal Government’s strategy for the internationalisation of science and research – regulations governing the funding of collaborative research on “Environmental Challenges and Solutions for Vulnerable Communities” between Europe and the southern and eastern Mediterranean countries within the framework of the (ERANET) ERANETMED network – 20 April 2016 https://www.bmbf.de/foerderungen/bekanntmachung-1180.html

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