January 2018
Funding programmes, competitions and awards
Funding announcements of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Guidelines for the funding of transnational research projects on the hypothesis-driven use of multi-omic integrated approaches for discovery of disease causes and/or functional validation in the context of rare diseases within the ERA-NET E-Rare – published in the Federal Gazette on 21 December 2017
Guidelines for the funding of German-Chinese cooperation within industry-led “2+2” collaborative projects focusing on biomaterials – published in the Federal Gazette on 28 December 2017
Guidelines for the funding of joint international research projects focusing on scientific research as part of the European/Latin American/ Caribbean initiative of the ERANet-LAC/EU-CELAC Interest Group – published in the Federal Gazette on 29 December 2017
Guidelines for the funding of transnational research projects on rare cancers as part of the ERA-NET TRANSCAN – published in the Federal Gazette on 5 January 2018
Guidelines for the funding of transnational research projects on mental disorders as part of the ERA-NET NEURON – published in the Federal Gazette on 8 January 2018
Guidelines for the funding of transnational research projects driven by early-career scientists as part of the ERA-NET on Cardiovascular Diseases (ERA-NET CVD) – published in the Federal Gazette on 11 January 2018
Guidelines for the funding of joint transnational research projects on sustainable crop production as part of the ERA-NET Cofund SusCrop – published in the Federal Gazette on 19 January 2018