November 2018

Funding programmes, competitions and awards

Funding announcements of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)

Joint Call: Combined biomass valorisation to bioenergy, industrial feedstocks and bio-based products, 13th Joint Call for Research and Development Proposals of the ERA-NET Bioenergy and 3rd additional Joint Call for Research and Development Proposals of the ERA-NET COFUND Bioenergy Sustaining the Future (BESTF3).

Funding announcements of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Regulations governing the funding of projects with the Republic of India as part of strategic projects support with the participation of science and industry on the priority topic of “sustainable production – green and clean technologies”, as part of the programme of the Indo-German Science and Technology Centre – published in the Federal Gazette on 15 November 2018. From 8 November 2018

Horizon 2020’s current biotech-related funding programmes in its Industrial Leadership section

Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) EIC-FTI-2018-2020
Boosting the efficiency of photosynthesis (RIA) BIOTEC-02-2019
Microorganism communities for plastics bio-degradation (RIA) CE-BIOTEC-05-2019
Efficient integrated downstream processes (IA) CE-SPIRE-04-2019
Adaptation to variable feedstock through retrofitting (IA 50%) CE-SPIRE-05-2019

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