July 2015
Funding programmes, competitions and awards
Funding of an ideas competition for the establishment and development of innovative R&D networks with partners in the Danube states
As part of the Federal Government’s strategy to internationalise science and research guidelines, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research has announced guidelines for the funding of an ideas competition for the establishment and development of innovative R&D networks with partners in the Danube states.
Funding will be provided for the establishment and development of R&D networks between Danube upstream and downstream countries which involve German participation. Above all, the project proposals are expected to address the most important parts of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (including the flagship projects and/or the Nexus approaches of the Joint Research Centre) and the specific challenges of the Horizon 2020 EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Particular importance is attached to the development of networks in the thematic areas of climate, energy, health, nutrition, safety and security, mobility and communications, as well as in key technologies that are geared to these themes.
The funding period consists of two consecutive funding phases of up to twelve months each. Applications for funding cover both phases. Awarded funding is made available for the second phase upon successful conclusion of the first funding phase and a positive evaluation of the prospects of success for the project’s planned continuation.
Recipients of funding on the German side may be commercial companies based in Germany – particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – as well as other institutions which provide contributions to research and fulfil the funding purpose and funding prerequisites, along with higher education institutions or non-university research institutions.
More information can be found at: www.bmbf.de/foerderungen/28840.php
Fostering scientific and technological cooperation (STC) with Argentina
As part of the Federal Government’s strategy to internationalise science and research guidelines, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research has announced guidelines for the funding of scientific and technological cooperation (STC) with Argentina.
Cooperation will be funded in the field of scientific research and technological development (R&D) between Germany and Argentina by supporting the exchange of scientists for joint research projects. Application-oriented projects and projects with industry/SME participation are preferred.
In accordance with the bilateral agreements of the 2013 STC commission meeting, projects will be prioritised for funding in the following areas:
- Bioeconomy and biomedicine
- Environmental research and geosciences (including marine and polar research)
- Engineering sciences (including information and communication sciences)
- Humanities and social sciences (as an interdisciplinary topic, if of thematic relevance to the topics named above)
Other thematic areas may be funded if they represent a specific interest of Germany or the partner countries.
Eligible applicants include commercial enterprises based in Germany – particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – as well as other institutions which provide contributions to research and fulfil the funding purpose and funding prerequisites, along with higher education institutions or non-university research institutions.
More information can be found at: www.internationales-buero.de/de/7303.php
Fostering scientific and technological cooperation (STC) with Chile
As part of the Federal Government’s strategy to internationalise science and research guidelines, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research has announced guidelines for the funding of scientific and technological cooperation (STC) with Chile.
Cooperation will be promoted in the field of scientific research and technological development between Germany and Chile by supporting the exchange of scientists for joint research projects. Existing collaborations are to be expanded and new project collaborations are to be initiated. The funded projects will also enable the preparation of more extensive applications to funding institutions such as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the European Union (EU).
In joint projects, special emphasis will be placed on the scientific excellence of the Chilean and German partners. The participation of companies, especially of innovative SMEs from Germany, is particularly welcomed.
The focal areas of this announcement:
- Sustainable use of natural resources
- Biotechnology
- Bioeconomy (bioeconomy is limited to sustainable agricultural production, the production of healthy and safe food and the industrial use of renewable raw materials)
Eligible applicants include commercial enterprises based in Germany – particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – as well as other institutions which provide contributions to research and fulfil the funding purpose and funding prerequisites, along with higher education institutions or non-university research institutions.
More information can be found at: www.internationales-buero.de/de/7302.php