Letter to the WHO

At the beginning of November 2007, 13 biotechnology industrial associations and national biotechnology lobby groups submitted a joint position paper to the World Health Association (WHO), in which they made a case for strict regulations for the protection of intellectual property. The various organisations who signed the letter represent a total of 3000 biotechnology companies worldwide. They included BIO Deutschland, EuropaBio, BIO (USA), Asebio (Spain), Niaba (Netherlands), AfricaBio (South Africa), BIA (United Kingdom) and Biotecanada. The position paper comments on a draft on global strategies and a plan of activities in the fields of intellectual property, innovation and public health prepared by the WHO’s Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property. Members of BIO Germany are welcome to request a copy of the position paper from our office by telephone (030-2648 4087) or by e-mail (info@biodeutschland.com).

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