November 2011

News from the BioRegions: Start of the Biotech>inside Initiative

files/tlf_content/akbioregio/BiotechInside/2011/Biotech-inside-Anhaenger.jpgThe BioRegions Working Group is starting a new, Germany-wide series of events called Biotech>inside this autumn. 13 BioRegions are inviting political and media representatives to presentations in order to illustrate the importance of biotechnology for many sectors. When it comes to medicine, automation, food production and environmental protection, biotechnology has long since been a feature of many industries and products and therefore of our everyday lives.

The first events in the series took place in October. Klaus Eichenberg, spokesperson of the BioRegions Working Group, believes that the comprehensive information initiative is of great importance. “It will give members of parliament, who have to decide on laws on these topics, a vivid impression of what biotechnology is and what it can do. It will also show what role biotechnology plays in the economy – and where it still needs support.”

You will find information on the dates and venues of the events in the participating BioRegions at

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