March 2011
Participation by BIO Deutschland at the EUCOPE Meeting in Brussels
On 23 February, BIO Deutschland took part in the meeting of the European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE) in Brussels. The agenda included the current legislation on the prevention of counterfeit medicines and on pharmacovigilance as components of the Pharmaceutical Package.
The guidelines and regulations on preventing counterfeit medicines and on pharmacovigilance were discussed and agreed by the European Parliament. The first measures to prevent counterfeit medicines will come into force in mid-2012. The remaining measures will become effective in 2015.
In addition, the guideline on cross-border provision of medicines, the redrafting of the guideline on transparency, and the forthcoming challenges on the EU promotional framework programme were discussed. Thomas Heynisch from the Pharma & Biotechnology Department of the Directorate-General on Enterprise and Industry of the EU Commission provided a first overview of the planned activities from 2011 to 2013. The focus will be on improved protection of intellectual property and better promotion and funding of innovations.