October 2012
Presentation by BIO Deutschland at the DIN Workshop in Berlin on Biotechnology in Norming and Standardisation
On 24 September 2012, the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN) held a workshop in Berlin on biotechnology in norms and standards. Around 60 people attended the event, which was sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. A BIO Deutschland representative gave a presentation on the innovation potential of German biotech small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). There were also presentations on the planned foundation of a biotechnology ISO/TC (International Organisation for Standardisation/Technical Committee) and on norming and standardisation projects in this sector to date. The participants had a chance to discuss new developments in biotechnology. There was also discussion on how the German biotech sector (SMEs, pharmaceutical companies and research institutes) can play a greater role in international norming and standardisation in order to strengthen Germany’s position in this area.
Countries that integrate norming and standardisation at an early stage into their research activities have distinct competitive advantages on the international markets.
Representatives from Roche Diagnostics GmbH, the TU Dresden, TÜV SÜD and DIN itself also gave presentations on norming and standardisation in the biotech sector. In addition, workshops were held in order to discuss priority topics for future standardisation work by the ISO/TC.