February 2008

Results of the Member Survey Are Now Available: Economic Conditions and the Capital Market Are Still Important Issues. General Satisfaction with the Association’s Work to Date.

The results of the member survey of December 2007 are now available. Responses were provided by some 30 per cent (n = 55) of the total number of members surveyed and were evaluated. The following are the most important results:

  • The majority of responses came from the area of biomedicine (more than 50 per cent), followed by the BioRegions (11 per cent) and consulting and media (9 per cent).
  • Topics such as the support of biotechnology in Germany (83 per cent), venture capital, the capital market, investment banking (76 per cent), economic and tax conditions (around 70 per cent), a united stand by German biotech organisations (68 per cent) and intellectual property, licensing and technology transfer (66 per cent) were among those listed as the most important.
  • According to the member firms, the exchange of information and discussion on current developments, as well as the improvement of general conditions in Germany, are the most important functions of the working groups – the representation of the company’s own interests are of less importance.
  • Around half of the surveyed members (48 per cent) are in favour of maintaining the events offered by BIO Deutschland. Some 36 per cent support a consolidation of these events.
  • More than 90 per cent of the surveyed members find the BIO Deutschland Newsletter informative. News from the board and the working groups are considered to be of greatest interest, followed by reports on lobby activities and events.
  • More than 96 per cent of the surveyed companies are happy with Transkript as BIO Deutschland’s official journal. (Member companies of BIO Deutschland receive Transkript free of charge.)
  • More than 96 per cent of those surveyed are satisfied or very happy with the association’s work to date. In 2006, this figure was 74 per cent. The number of those surveyed who responded that they were very happy doubled from around 23 per cent in 2006 to 46 per cent in 2007.


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