December 2018
Theme year: “100 years of biotechnology”
![100 years of biotechnology](files/content/aktuell/aktuelle_nachrichten/2018/12/100_jahre_biotechnologie.png)
The year 2019 will mark the 100th anniversary of the term “biotechnology”. Karl Ereky was director of the livestock assessment cooperative of Hungary’s large landowners and author of the book that coined the term biotechnology: “Biotechnologie der Fleisch-, Fett- und Milcherzeugung im landwirtschaftlichen Großbetriebe” [Biotechnology of Meat, Fat and Milk Production in Large Agricultural Enterprises]. The book was first published in Berlin in 1919. BIO Deutschland is using the anniversary in 2019 to celebrate 100 years of biotechnology. The many special achievements and innovations in biotechnology will be featured and honoured over the course of the year. More information about the theme year, which officially kicks off on 1 January, can be found at Additional content will be published at beginning of the theme year.
BIO Deutschland would warmly welcome partners and supporters of the initiative. If your organisation is interested in such an opportunity, please contact Matthias Bach (email: