July 2016

Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel hosts SME Alliance

Foto: Representatives of the SME Alliance at the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy: Federal Economic and Energy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (middle), Viola Bronsema (sixth from the left) and Peter Heinrich (second from the right), both from BIO Deutschland. © Michael Königs, BVMW.

On 5 July, the SME Alliance, of which BIO Deutschland is a member, visited Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy Sigmar Gabriel and discussed with him the opportunities and challenges of digitization in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

BVMW President Mario Ohoven reported on Germany’s need to play catch-up in this area, particularly in the SME sector. Today’s diverse demands and developments were illustrated by the SME Alliance’s partner associations, which represent the different sectors where SMEs are key players.

Digitization can only succeed if the right framework conditions are in place for innovative and young companies. In this context, special priority should in particular be given to alternative finance options such as venture capital and innovation promotion. This point was stressed on behalf of the biotech sector by Peter Heinrich, Chairman of the Board of BIO Deutschland, and Viola Bronsema, Managing Director of BIO Deutschland, and was also supported by Bertram Dressel and Andrea Glaser from BVIZ, who represent Germany’s innovation, technology and business incubation centres. BIO Deutschland also used this opportunity to give a short overview of the concerns of members active in the industrial healthcare sector and in the energy transition and renewable raw materials.

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