October 2011
Working Group on Licences and Technical Contracts issues a statement on US patent law reform
Following tough negotiations, the struggle to reform US patent law, which had been ongoing for several years, has now ended with a positive outcome. BIO Deutschland’s Working Group on Licences and Technical Contracts has summarised the major amendments, such as the switch to the “first-to-file” principle, the new regulations on the contestability of licences, and the changes in fees in an article in the September edition of its bimonthly publication “Rechtsinfo aktuell”.
The bill (Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, previously the Patent Reform Act of 2011), which had been passed in the House of Representatives in June, was approved by the US Senate on 8 September. In order to become valid, it still needed to be signed by the President. On Friday, 16 September 201, Barack Obama signed the bill. The aim of the new regulations is to create jobs, stem the flow of patent suits, and provide the chronically overworked US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) with greater funding and resources. There are currently almost 700,000 files awaiting processing at USPTO.
Members of BIO Deutschland who have not yet received a copy of “Rechtsinfo aktuell” are welcome to contact us (tel. +49-(0)30-3450593-30, e-mail: info@biodeutschland.org).