Workshop held on key technologies in the healthcare industry
On 24 October, representatives of associations from the healthcare industry, of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), and of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), as well as other stakeholders, met at the invitation of BIO Deutschland for a workshop addressing the topic of key technologies. The event’s main speaker was Axel Thielmann, head of the Competence Center New Technologies and coordinator of the Business Unit Industrial Technologies at Fraunhofer ISI, who presented the existing indicator framework for key technologies. Afterwards, participants intensively discussed which of these indicators could be transferred to the healthcare industry and assigned to the areas of competitiveness, technological sovereignty and transformation. They then went on to discuss some of the key technologies that are particularly important for the healthcare industry. The workshop was part of the BMWK’s Healthcare Industry Round Table, which in January looked at the development and use of key technologies and innovations.