Position papers 2008
Position Paper by BIO Deutschland on the Topic of Biosecurity: The Dual-Use Dilemma
Highly pathogenic micro-organisms and the metabolic poisons they produce are of great interest to scientific research in the fields of infections, immunity and pathogenicity factors.
Statement by BIO Deutschland on the Draft Law on Genetic Testing of Human Beings (Genetic Diagnostics Law) of 30 June 2008
The German Biotechnology Industry Organisation (BIO Deutschland) welcomes the Federal Ministry of Health’s draft law on genetic testing of human beings (the Genetic Diagnostics Law) of 30 June 2008, which will provide the basis for a framework for genetic testing in Germany and prevent disadvantages resulting from genetic characteristics.
German Platform on White Biotechnology: White Biotechnology - the Success Story Continues
Germany is a worldwide heavyweight in the field of white biotechnology. Expertise, the quality of scientific and technical establishments, and the capacity and performance of manufacturing plants mean that Germany is No. 1 in Europe.
Position Paper by BIO Deutschland on Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research
According to the current German cut-off date regulation in the Stem Cell Law, it is only possible to work in Germany with embryonic stem cell lines that have been found to be contaminated.
Statement on the German Federal Government’s Draft Law of 7 December 2007 on the Limitation of Risks Related to Financial Investments (Risk Limitation Law) Bundestag Publication No. 16/7438
The industry association of the German biotechnology sector, the Biotechnology Industry Organisation of Germany (BIO Deutschland) accepts that that Law on the Limitation of Risks Related to Financial Investments should make financial investments in companies in Germany more transparent and thus better protect entrepreneurs, their staff and investors from economic risks. However, BIO Deutschland is concerned that unclear wording in the law will aggravate the investment climate in Germany.
Statement by BIO Deutschland on the Protection of Intellectual Property in Biotechnology
The protection of intellectual property is of great importance to companies worldwide. The trade association of the German biotechnology sector, the Biotechnology Industry Organisation of Germany (BIO Deutschland), welcomes the German Federal Government’s recognition of this in its Draft Law on the Improvement of the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights .