Position Paper by BIO Deutschland on the Topic of Biosecurity: The Dual-Use Dilemma


Highly pathogenic micro-organisms and the metabolic poisons they produce are of great interest to scientific research in the fields of infections, immunity and pathogenicity factors.
However, work and research with these types of pathogenicity factors also leads to the danger of the dual application of results (the so-called "dual-use dilemma"). Results can be used not only for scientific advances but also equally in the manufacture of biological weapons. The dual-use dilemma describes the conflict between the protection and safety of the population and freedom to research and publish.

The Biotechnology Industry Organisation Deutschland (BIO Deutschland) supports the code of conduct drafted by the German Research Foundation, "Working with Highly Pathogenic Micro-Organisms and Toxins". In many points, the demands made by the German Research Foundation can be accepted exactly as they stand.
The maintenance of conduct guidelines for work with these types of pathogenicity factors is necessary.

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