September 2007
Statement on Risks Related to Financial Investments
At the end of September 2007, BIO Deutschland was asked by the Federal Ministry of Finance to provide a statement on the Draft Law on the Limitation of the Risks Associated with Financial Investments. In the document that was submitted to the Ministry, one of BIO Deutschland’s demands was the safeguarding of legal certainty for investors by clear wording in the draft of the law, as well as the avoidance of additional financial risks...
Bundestag Hearing on the Draft Law on the Modernisation of Conditions for Capital Investments
BIO Deutschland was invited by the Bundestag’s parliamentary standing committee on finance to an expert hearing on the Law on the Modernisation of Conditions for Capital Investments...
Seminar on Intellectual Property
In cooperation with the Working Group on Intellectual Property and Technical Contracts, BIODeutschland held a seminar on the topic of intellectual property on 13 September in Berlin...