July 2010
Board Meeting and Closed Meeting of the BIO Deutschland Board in Constance
In the light of the challenges that innovative small and medium-sized biotech companies in Germany must currently face, the board of BIO Deutschland discussed the strategic direction of the association’s work on 21 July during a closed meeting following its second board meeting of this year.
Meeting of BIO Deutschland’s Working Group on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Jobs
BIO Deutschland’s Working Group on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Jobs met in Wuppertal at the beginning of July. The agenda included a presentation of the concept by HAUS RISSEN HAMBURG on introducing the subject of “entrepreneurship” in schools.
Working Group on Licences and Technical Contracts Discusses Biopatents
Members of BIO Deutschland’s Working Group on Licences and Technical Contracts met on 15 July and discussed the topics of the continued validity of licence agreements in cases of insolvency, current developments at the European Patent Office (EPO), including the pending verdicts by the Enlarged Board of Appeals (keyword: “broccoli patent”), and the status of the implementation of the EU patent.
Board of BIO Deutschland Discusses OECD Recommendations on Combating Bribery
One of the topics discussed at the board meeting on 21 July 2010 was the OECD Recommendations for Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, which the OECD Council passed on 26 November 2009.
International Affairs: Joint Position Paper on the EU’s IMI Initiative
In the run-up to the latest call for proposals by the Innovative Medicines Initiative of the European Commission, a consortium of European lobby groups from the biotech sector, including BIO Deutschland, has urged that the obstacles faced by innovative small and medium-sized biotech companies be removed rapidly, that is, before the third call for the submission of project proposals.
News from the BioRegions: Strategy Conference of the BioRegions Working Group
26 representatives from the BioRegions Working Group met for a two-day exchange of experiences during a closed meeting in Tutzing in July.