November 2015

Web conference of EuropaBio’s National Association Council

At the end of November, the national biotech associations in EuropaBio (National Associations Council – NAC) discussed current European matters in a web conference. Natalie Moll, Secretary General of EuropaBio, began the conference by thanking everyone for their active participation in European Biotech Week, which took place at the beginning of October.


Rare Connect Day and meeting of the EU Joint Task Force on Orphan Medicinal Products in Brussels

Rare Connect Day took place in Brussels on 18 November. With this event, the European associations EuropaBio and EFPIA wanted to draw attention to the care given to patients with rare diseases and to initiate a dialogue with national organisations and patient representatives for discussion of potential improvements to this particular type of care.


Talk at the BMBF event on the medical informatics funding concept

The new medical informatics funding concept was presented at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on 27 November. The informational event was well-attended, drawing more than 200 participants. One aim of the programme was to promote the digital sharing of patient data in compliance with German data protection standards.


BIO Deutschland participates in the Bio-Europe in Munich

From 2 to 4 November, BIO Deutschland was once again present with a booth at the Bio-Europe international life science partnering conference in Munich.


Funding programmes, competitions and awards

Funding programmes, competitions and awards


Experts discuss partnerships between Pharma and Biotech

The 9th European Business Development Conference for pharma and biotech took place 23 and 24 November in Antwerp, Belgium, and was organized by the German Biotechnology Organisation BIO Deutschland in cooperation with the Flemish life science network organization FlandersBIO and Flanders Investment and Trade.
