September 2017
BIO Deutschland holds its 14th general assembly and elects new board
Berlin (19 September 2017) – The sector association of the biotechnology industry, BIO Deutschland, elected a new board for the next two years yesterday during its 14th ordinary general assembly.
BIO Deutschland supports Science Sparks Start-ups
On 19 September, in collaboration with Heidelberg Startup Partners and Heidelberg Technology Park, the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) held the Science Sparks Start-ups symposium to mark 20 years of the DKFZ’s Office of Technology Transfer.
New company directory published on in vitro diagnostics
On 7 September 2017, the Export Initiative for the German Healthcare Industry published online a directory of German in vitro diagnostics (IVD) companies.
Funding programmes, competitions and awards
Funding programmes, competitions and awards for BIO Deutschland members.