July 2012

BIO Deutschland Activities in Brussels

In mid-June, representatives of national biotech associations, including BIO Deutschland as the German biotechnology sector association, met for discussions in EuropaBio’s National Association Council (NAC) and Healthcare Council (HC) in Brussels.

The NAC meeting provided participants with an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the fields of green, white and red biotechnology.

During a meeting of EU environment ministers at the beginning of June, no agreement was reached on a compromise suggested by the Danish EU Presidency on a regulation that would allow EU member states to restrict or ban the cultivation of genetically improved crops on their national territory. This topic has already been discussed for a long time. In the end, the deadlock could not be broken because Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Belgium blocked a deal. Cyprus, which will take over the EU presidency from Denmark, is highly unlikely to pursue this topic, according to Cypriot EU experts invited by EuropaBio.

The national associations also discussed whether a European biotechnology week featuring various events in the individual member states should be organised next year. The feedback was positive.

EuropaBio published its report, “Personalised Medicine – Status Quo and Challenges”, during the HC meeting to coincide with a discussion with the health attaché of the Permanent Representation of Cyprus in Brussels. This discussion gave all those present the chance to learn more about Cyprus’ health policy plans during its EU presidency in the second half of 2012. It will focus on the revision of the Clinical Trials Directive, regulations on medicinal products and in-vitro diagnostics, and the Transparency Directive.

The Council’s topic groups (biosimilars, orphan drugs, combination products, clinical trials, HTA and market access, and ATMP) also gave presentations on their work.

Representatives of BIO Deutschland member companies who are interested in participating in these groups are welcome to contact the association’s office (Tel.: +49 (0)30-3450593-30, e-mail: info@biodeutschland.org).  

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